NVD Student Handbook - Directory of Activities and Advisors (2024)

ACADEMIC TEAM Advisor: Mr. Robert Pugliese

Meets two to four times a week, September through March. The purpose of the club is to foster general academic growth and to compete in various academic competitions. To become a member, see Mr. Pugliese for details.

ALL SCHOOL PRODUCTION Advisor: Mr. Charles Miller

Advisor calls meetings when needed during December, January, February and March. The purpose of this activity is to participate in the production of the musical. Four performances are given.

ARCHERY CLUB: Mr. Mark Sterinsky

The purpose of this club is to introduce the students to archery, a sport unknown to many. The club will allow members to view archery as a lifetime activity (as reinforced in PE classes) and understand the safety measures and etiquette required of the sport.

ART CLUB Advisor: Jessica Beebe

The purpose of this club is to create an interest in art. Meetings are held once a month or when needed. To become a member, sign up with advisor or club officer.


The Backgammon Club is a student-run organization which allows students to learn the rules of the game of backgammon, to play with fellow students during club meeting times and to participate in club tournaments. All students are invited to join. Meetings occur during the lunch period.

CHESS CLUB Advisor: Mr. Jonathan Gray

The purpose of this club is to promote and learn the game of chess. Meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays in G106. A member must attend a majority of meetings and participate in activities.

CHINESE CLUB Advisor: Ms. Lily Lee

The goal of the club is to generate a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Chinese culture, language, and history. The club promotes the four core Chinese values of Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, and Citizenship through monthly events, which will be announced via flyers and/or email messages. Popular club activities include dumpling making sessions, ping pong tournaments, and Chinese calligraphy classes. Our largest event is the annual Chinese New Year Celebration, which typically falls at the end of January or February and is held in the cafeteria. In order to receive club credit, students must sign up with dues and participate in 2/3 of the club activities.


Meetings are held several times a week during the fall on the Marching Band field. Open to all students.

COMPUTER SCIENCE CLUB Advisor: Mr. Jamie Hudak

DEBATE TEAM Advisor: Ms. Angela Panagiotopoulos

The purpose of this activity is to learn and master forensics. Meetings are held once a month. Students enter the program at the JV level and participate in tournament debating.

DECA Advisor: Ms. Nancy Lopus

DECA, a business club, prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. DECA chapter members compete in many business categories in three levels of competition: Regional (Northeast NJ), State, and International. Additionally, chapter members complete community service projects both state-wide and locally. To qualify for chapter membership in NVD DECA, students must be currently enrolled in a business course or have previously taken a business class.

DRAMA CLUB Advisor: Mr. Charles Miller

The purpose of this company is to provide venues for students to learn all the arts and crafts connected in theatrical performances. Meetings will be held as necessary for major productions in the auditorium and other sites to be announced. Members should take an active role in any of the productions.


The purpose of this club is to make students and the community aware of environmental issues. For more information, see advisor.

EMS CLUB Advisor: Mr. Mark Sterinsky

The purpose of the EMS club is to provide members with the knowledge and respect of the emergency medical system. Members will have the opportunity to become certified in first aid and CPR. In addition, they will understand the credentials to become a certified EMT. Community service opportunities will also be available through the EMS club.

FCCLA CLUB (Foods) Advisor: Ms. Alexis Goebel

Purpose of this club is to provide students with co‐curricular opportunities in food production. Groups meet once a month and cook a menu based on a theme. To become a member, students must attend at least 50% of the meetings and pay dues of $10 which is used to purchase ingredients and supplies.

FILM MAKING CLUB Advisor: Mr. David Caminiti

The purpose of this club is to encourage the production of student‐produced films and to showcase student films to the community. Meetings will be held twice a month at lunchtime. In order to receive club credit, students should produce at least one film and attend the majority of meetings. See advisor for further details.

FRENCH CLUB Advisor: Ms. Catherine Kong

The purpose of this club is to promote the French language and culture. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month in C109. To become a member, one must attend meetings, pay dues of $4.00 and participate in two activities. See advisor for further information.

FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS Advisor: Ms. Inga Grossman‐Nelson

The purpose of this club is to participate in the activities sponsored by the State FBLA to create an awareness of business in the community, to operate the school store and to participate in community service. Meetings are held two Wednesdays per month, to be announced, in B120. Sign up in September during membership drive.


GARDEN CLUB Advisor: Mr. Chris Eftychiou

The garden club works throughout the year to “beautify” our school all while making it more environmentally sound. This club’s members plan, clean up, and plant indigenous flowers. For more information, please see Mr. Eftychiou. Participation is by selection only.

GIFTED AND TALENTED Advisor: Mr. Mike Ives

9th Grade VIA Convocation once a year at St. Thomas Aquinas. 10th through 12th grades: Ethical Issues series three times a year. Participation is by selection only.

GIRL UP ADVISOR: Ms. Jennifer Glick

Girl Up is a group that is affiliated with the United Nations. It's goal is to increase awareness of the struggles facing girls around the world, and empowering American youth to create change.

GRAPHIC ARTS Advisor: Mr. Jonathan Spoelstra

Graphic Arts Club is to give members opportunities to work with technology and media while providing design work for the school and greater community. Areas of activity include: the study and implementation of how various media and graphic arts are used to share information effectively and the design and creation of visual materials (posters, logos, ads, etc.) for the school community and events.

GSA Advisor: Dr. Marisa Januzzi

NVD’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) aims to educate our members, the school, and the community at large about issues of interest and concern to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and questioning youth, and their families, friends and allies. The GSA is an inclusive group formed to address student concerns about, and to provide safe space for discussion of, sex‐gender issues.

HAND IN HAND Advisor: Mr. Marco Sforza

Hand in Hand is a club created to provide socialization for developmentally disabled students who live in our district but go to special schools. These students come to our high school about once a month. Activities such as baking cookies, decorating pumpkins, and dance lessons are planned. The group meets in between visits to plan.

HEROES & COOL KIDS Advisors: Mr. Brandon Silva, Ms. Denise Berke

Heroes and Cool Kids assist in building courage, character and perseverance in teens and pre-teens. We ignite strength and wisdom in them so that they become leaders and teachers, or whatever they dream to be. Former professional athletes and potential teen leaders attend conferences at Bergen Community College and/or Vonage on how to become mentors in their schools. The teens then, throughout the school year, November to May, mentor middle school students on important life skills. These skills include sportsmanship, conflict resolution and positive lifestyle choices highlighting drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention.


Volleyball Mr. Mike Carcich(Winter)

Basketball Mr. Mike Carcich (Spring)

Badminton Mr. Mark Sterinsky(Spring)

The purpose of Intramurals is to get students involved in sports regularly during fall, winter and spring. These students do not wish to get involved with a varsity sport. To become a member, see advisor and listen for announcements.

INVESTMENT CLUB Advisor: Mr. Brendan Kenny

Introduce the Stock Market through our online game of VSE Market Watch where students learn the skills of trading/buying/selling.

ITALIAN CLUB Advisor: Ms. Paola Innocenti

The purpose of the club is to promote and foster an appreciation for the Italian language and culture. The Executive Committee is appointed in September. In order to receive credit for Italian Club, students must pay club dues and accumulate five club credits by June. Students earn club credits by participating in club events and by assisting the Executive Committee in organizing various events during the school year. Information about club events is posted on NVNET and sent to members via email. The Italian Club sponsors a variety of events such as Italian Movie & Pizza Night, Cannoli Sale, Pasta Fest, Carnevale, Bocce Tournament, museum trips, and end of the year dinner at an Italian Restaurant.


The purpose of this club is to introduce students and the community to Japanese and enhance students’ interest and appreciation of Japanese culture. Monthly activities will be held usually in the cafeteria and will be announced. To receive credit for the club, students sign up with dues in September and accumulate 2/3 of the participation points.

JAZZ ENSEMBLE Advisor: Mr. Ellis Jasenovic

Meets every Wednesday night during the school year in the Music Department. Performs at many concerts and assemblies during the school year. To become a member, a student should be registered in a music class.

K.A.R.E. Advisor: Mr. Robert Pugliese

The purpose of this club is to get students to volunteer for community service both in and outside of school. To become a member, please see Mr. Pugliese.

KINESIS (MODERN DANCE) Advisor: Ms. Angela Panagiotopoulos

The purpose of this club is to promote the arts and foster responsibility, talent, and creativity. Auditions are held in February ‐ first auditions for choreographers and a second audition for dancers. Practice begins March 1st in the cafeteria. See advisor for further details.


KOREAN CLUB Advisor: Ms. Myung Jin Lee

The Korean club introduces and enriches the students' understanding and appreciation of Korean culture, history, and society. Through various activities and meetings, members will be introduced to Korean games, foods, and traditions.

LATIN CLUB Advisor: Ms. Carrie Opderbeck

The purpose of this club is to promote Latin awareness and celebrate Latin cultural events. Meetings are held once tri‐weekly or once a month in the Demarest cafeteria. To become a member, take Latin and fulfill requirements.

LIBRARY COUNCIL Advisor: Sabina Albirt

The purpose of this activity is to assist library staff with daily maintenance of collection and with on‐going duties and services. Students meet about once a week during unassigned time. Please see advisor for further details.

LITERARY MAGAZINE (RUNES) Advisor: Mr. Martin Springer

The purpose of this club is to produce an annual literary magazine promoting reading, writing and poetry. Meeting dates and times will be announced. One may either write for the magazine or work on production. See advisors for further details.

MARCHING BAND Advisor: Ms. Lauren Delesky

Meets during the fall on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays on the marching field. The band gives numerous performances plus participation in pep rallies and assemblies. To become a member, register for Band class.

MATH TEAM Advisor: Mr. Tricia Pasarotti

The purpose of this club is for students to solve challenging math problems. There will be opportunities for members to participate in many different competitions. Meetings are held in room G‐119 starting at the end of September. To become a member see Mr. Ives or attend the first meeting.


The Military History Club watches & discusses movies/documentaries during lunch one day a week.

MOCK TRIAL Advisor: Mr. Joseph McCallister

The Mock Trial Team sets its goal to coincide with those of the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. Students in this club will increase their comprehension of the historical, ethical and philosophical basis of the American system of justice. Students will demystify the operation of the law, court procedures and the legal system. This club will also help students increase basic life and leadership skills such as listening, speaking, writing, reading and analyzing.

MODEL UNITED NATIONS Advisor: Ms. Jennifer Glick

Model UN is an extracurricular activity that is open to all grades. Simulating the United Nations, students research and discuss current problems facing the World. Students debate, discuss and attempt to solve issues as global citizens, while understanding the impact of those decisions on individual countries.

MULTICULTURAL CLUB Advisor: Ms. Julia Bell

The focus of the club is to benefit from exposure to and discuss various cultures and multi‐ethnic groups.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Ms. Dianna Sopala

The purpose of this club is to recognize academic achievement, leadership, and character and to serve the community and school. Students must have a minimum number of activities, 3.75 GPA, a leadership role and be a junior or senior who has demonstrated ethical behavior.

NORTHERN LIGHTS (YEARBOOK) Advisor: Ms. Rebecca Glennon

We are here to enrich the memories of the graduating class through the production of the yearbook. We hope to advance the organization of the yearbook and to strengthen the bond of the classes. Ultimately, we want to maintain a historical and memory record of the school.

NORTHERN STAR (NEWSPAPER) Advisor: Ms. Sheila Egan

The purpose of this activity is to publish the school newspaper. Meetings are held in Journalism I and II and after school at publication time. To participate in this activity, you must register for the Journalism One course.

ORIANA SINGERS (previously Select Choir) Advisor: Ms. Jordan Barry

Students who are already enrolled in a vocal music course during the school day are eligible to audition for Oriana Singers, a small select choir of men and women. Auditions are held in June and all those who are currently in ninth through eleventh grade can audition as long as they are enrolled in a choir for the next school year. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 until 9 PM in the choir room. Audition material is handed out at the beginning of June and taught in class. Students will need to sing 2 scales, a solo in 2 different keys and a quartet, acappella. All women who audition successfully for Oriana Singers are automatically placed in Bel Canto. Performances include concerts, the festival competition during the music department trip and community gigs.

ORCHESTRA Advisor: Ms. Lauren Delesky

Performs at many concerts and assemblies during the school year. To become a member, a student must be registered for Orchestra.

P.A.N.D.A. Advisor: Mr. Brandan Kenny

An organization of students who take action to protect defenseless animals from being abused in the medical field, clothing industry, and other facilities that abuse animals. Activities include letter writing, trips to the zoo, reading and discussing literature appropriate to the organization.

PEER MENTORS Advisor: Ms. Rebecca Glennon

The purpose of this club is to help freshmen with the high school transition. Meetings are ongoing during the school year. Students apply to become Peer Mentors in the spring of their sophom*ore year. Members are chosen from the questionnaire they are required to complete.


ROBOTICS CLUB Advisor: Mr. Brandon Klevence


The Rocket Club is a club in which students design and build rockets in order to compete at TARC - The American Rocketry Contest. TARC is the world's largest rocketry contest open to students.

SCHOOL SENATE Advisor: Mr. Steve Nix

This appointed committee will meet on a monthly basis during the school day to discuss issues relevant to our school. The committee is empowered to make recommendations and represents a cross section of our school community. These recommendations must have at least eleven votes in the affirmative in order to pass. This committee is comprised of students, teachers, one support staff member, and one supervisor.

SCHOOL STORE Advisor: Mr. Chris Shaffsick

The school store provides students with a learning laboratory to employ marketing and business concepts. Profits raised from the store support the business department and club activities. The store is open after school from 2:36 to 3 pm for students to purchase a quick snack and/or drink.


Jen Hochenberg - Biology I & II

Dr. Kathleen Zahos - Chemistry I

Nicholas Murphy - Chemistry II

Kristen Thompson - Physics I

Dr. Marlene Almonte - Physics II

The league meets during the month with the various advisors and participates in statewide competitive testing. See one of the advisors for further information.

SCOPE CLUB: Advisor Mr. Eric Kane

SCOPE provides children from underserved communities with life-changing opportunities through the experience of summer camp. SCOPE funds camp scholarships “camperships” to send children to nonprofit, resident camps which will empower them to develop to their full potential. Members can get inspired by their personal interests and turn them into a philanthropic opportunity for SCOPE.

SKI CLUB Advisor: Mr. Michael Carcich

Activities planned are ski trips to local ski areas. There is approximately one meeting a month, which will be held after school. To become a member, a student must sign up and make a deposit toward the cost of the trips. See either advisor for further details.


The Social Media/Digital Communications club helps coordinate the schools social media pages. The club collects and shares stories about what is happening in our school community and works to promote upcoming events at the school. We try to keep the students, parents and community members updated on all school happenings.

SPANISH CLUB Advisor: Ms. Jessica Beebe

The purpose of this club is to provide a variety of cultural activities to expose students to Hispanic culture. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month in the cafeteria. To become a member, listen for announcements in September regarding sign-ups.

SPIKE BALL Advisor: Ms. Kathleen Minneker

Spikeball is a typical beach game played with two teams consisting of two people each with a small net and ball. Throughout the year, teams will play exhibition games against one another at each meeting during the lunch period. By the end of the school year, we will have a playoff tournament in which each participating team will be seeded based on their record for the year. The tournament winners will receive a prize depending on the amount of club dues left over. In addition, there will be additional spikeball nets for those who would rather practice or play non-competitively with friends. These games will not require a set team and will not count towards any records or tournaments, but rather towards having fun and learning the game.

STEM League Advisor: Mr. Eric Kane

STEM League is a small club that meets occasionally throughout the year and goes to various schools in the area for Science and Engineering challenges. A team of 4-6 students will spend the day trying to come up with a solution to a STEM based challenge that is revealed upon entry. The skills used in the meets have ranged from basic woodworking to programming to chemistry labs. The meets last a whole school day and there are about 3-4 a year.


The focus of SADD is alcohol use and substance use, impaired driving, and other appropriate issues that deal with the well being of students.

STUDENT COUNCIL Advisors: Mr. Robert Pugliese

The purpose of the Student Council is to represent and serve the school and community. The student community elects members. Meetings are to be held bi‐weekly in conjunction with daily meetings in homeroom.


TABLETOP GAMING CLUB: Mr. Brandon Klevence

Tabletop Gaming Club meets every other cycle during a lunch period to play table top games. We bring in, share, and play a variety of board games, trading card games, collaborative storytelling games, as well as work on designing our own games. Every other week we have a Dungeons and Dragons meeting after school at NVD where we run D&D campaigns, students occasionally reserve space at the Demarest Library on weekends, weeks when we don't meet, and during the summer to play outside of school.

TECH TUTORS (FORMERLY SCAG) Advisor: Mr. Jonathan Gray

The purpose of this group is to assist teachers and students with computer programs and to do minor repairs on software and hardware. Meetings are held daily in room C107. Sign up with Ms. Spoelstra and check the database regularly.


The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts through co‐curricular activities, competitive events and related programs.

TED ED Advisor: Athanassios Haralambopoulos

The TED Student Talks Program supports students as they discover, explore and present their big ideas in the form of short TED-style talks, providing an international platform for students to gain presentation literacy skills.

TRI‐M HONOR SOCIETY Advisors: Ms. Lauren Delesky

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program that focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy. Tri-M is the only national honor society for student musicians in grades 6-12. There are more than 1,800 chapters across all 50 states, involving more than 75,000 students. Each year, these students contribute more than 750,000 service hours to their schools and local communities, and raise nearly $1 million for causes they care about. NAfME awards more than $4,500 in scholarships each year to chapters that demonstrate exceptional service and leadership.

VARSITY CLUB Advisor: Mr. Anthony Mottola

The purpose of this club is to promote Northern Valley athletics. It also provides service to the Athletic Department, run elementary school tournaments and social activities for athletes. The club meets at various times during the school year.


The VITA club offers the unique opportunity to do advocacy work in raising awareness of service dogs, while learning about mental and physical health. Through this club, we want students to participate in activities that would advance the lives of the physically disabled. We visit local libraries to raise awareness of proper guide dog etiquette and teach the community about how various service dogs benefit those in need. We have been raising funds for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, a facility that provides the visually impaired with guide dogs and training for free, for a chance to name a Guiding Eyes puppy and receive cute pictures and updates.

NVD Student Handbook - Directory of Activities and Advisors (2024)


What are the Collin College core values hint you can find them in your student handbook )? ›

Core Values

We have a passion for: Learning. Service and Involvement. Creativity and Innovation.

How important is student handbook? ›

The primary purpose of the student handbook is to provide students with information, guidelines, and policies that will enhance their adjustments as part of the community of their school. According to George Fox University (2015), "One of the key documents that outline the students experience is the Student Handbook.

What is a passing grade at Collin? ›

Students are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress while enrolled at Collin College. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is defined as maintaining a 2.0 cumulative GPA. A grade of 'D' or better received at Collin or any other college is a passing grade and may not be repeated for benefits.

Is Collin College legit? ›

Collin County Community College District is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees and certificates.

What does a student handbook look like? ›

The student handbooks in high schools tend to be thicker as they contain a lot more information the students need to know. Additionally, information that's common in the handbooks includes school calendars, school hours, extracurricular activities, weather procedures, school events, school rules, and many others.

Do students learn better with textbooks? ›

Students generally have better comprehension with print text than digital. “If you're sitting down in a concentrated way with a print book, you tend to get more out of it,” she said.

What is the purpose of school handbooks? ›

The Student/Parent Handbook is intended to serve as a source of information on the many services, activities, and policies of the school.

What are the core classes for Collin College? ›

Foundational Component Areas
  • Communication (6 SCH)
  • Mathematics (3 SCH)
  • Life and Physical Sciences (6 SCH)
  • Language, Philosophy and Culture (3 SCH)
  • Creative Arts (3 SCH)
  • American History (6 SCH)
  • Government/Political Science (6 SCH)
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 SCH)

What values should a college student have? ›

10 Values for College (and Life) Success
  • Take care of your health. ...
  • Learn everything. ...
  • Be focused but flexible. ...
  • Remember passion > money. ...
  • Keep it balanced. ...
  • Keep a strong work ethic. ...
  • Maintain integrity. ...
  • Show respect.
May 22, 2013

What is the mission statement of Collin College? ›

Delivering a brighter future for our students and communities. Collin College is a student- and community-centered institution committed to developing valuable skills, strengthening character, and challenging the intellect.

What is a college handbook? ›

A Student's Guide to Success

The Student Handbook contains information about support services, student rights and responsibilities and College and academic policies. The Student Handbook also includes a daily planning calendar with important dates and deadlines listed for your convenience.


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.